一般社団法人 栃木県情報サービス産業協会主催の講演会「攻めるワークプレイス!経営戦略・人事戦略の実践のために」にてDE-SIGNグループ 代表 佐藤浩也が登壇いたしました。
We want to encourage employees who have become accustomed to remote work to come into the office again.
We want an office that can accommodate diverse working styles.
We want to create a spae with a unique and elegant design to assist in recruiting and company branding.
DE-SIGN is a team dedicated to “Creating Strategic Workplaces.”
Drawing on our accumulated knowledge,
we extract the essence of the issues faced by our client from a management and an operational organization approach.
We creatively design workplaces as vehicles for resolving key issues and our experts accompany and support each process,
from construction to effectiveness verification.
We provide comprehensive one-stop support for office relocation and renovation
a strong emphasis on achieving your business objectives.
We have a proven track record of office relocations and renovations for many companies,
including major corporations, international companies, historic companies, and cutting-edge startups.
We provide three types of surveys on workstyles and office environments
as part of our basic package, free of charge.
Surveys that enable visualization of the priorities of issues faced by management and administrative departments,
such as “strengthening employee engagement” and “reforming workstyles.”
Our office professionals will even provide a diagnostic report
to support our clients in the ability to make the best decisions for their business.
To understand
how the work environment
affects employee engagement.
To understand the gap
between employees’ ideal workstyles
and the current situation.
To be able to determine
the best investment priorities
for the office environment.
Designing Workplaces
founded in Business Strategy
Please feel free to contact us.